Saturday, December 29, 2007

Shaving and little girls!

Okay so Madison just has so much hair on her legs. Not sure where she actually gets this from because neither Lop nor I are very hairy people. But the girl has some serious hair LOL. Now the question here is when did you start shaving your legs? I can not for the life of me remember how old I was when I started. Is next year, she will be in 6th grade, to young? Or should I make her wait? Ummm it is an ever pondering thought.


Anonymous said...

I think I started in 6th grade--or by 7th.--I don't think 6th gr. too early. Probably one of those things where there isn't THE time--just when it is the right time for the girl.

joanne said...

I have no idea what age I was, I'm not hairy person either so it was probably closer to 7th grade. But if she needs to do it now I don't 6th grade is to early. I'm going thru this with my son, he's starting to get some lip hair and it's very dark some days and noticeable, I don't know if I should say something to him about shaving or not, he's 14, will be 15 in April.

Vicki said...

does he want hair on his face? LOL or you just don't like it Jo??

joanne said...

Well no I don't like it, lol you know I like my guys clean cut haha. He hasn't mentioned it at all, I don't know if he's oblivious to it or just is like whatever lol. He's got a friend that has a beard! A beard!! I first saw this kid last spring at their 8th grade farewell dance and thought he was a parent, the kid looks older than I do lmao!! So what have you decided about Maddie? Does she want to start shaving?

Vicki said...

You told me about him. that is so funny to me. She has actually been asking since she was in the third grade. Just wish I knew where all her hair comes from. No one else has it like she does. Not even the boys!!! Have ya bought Josh a razor???

joanne said...

She must have gotten some recessive gene from a distant relative that was hairy lol, figures it's your girl that got it and not any of the boys, poor thing. Josh actually does have a razor, I got a nice men's Gillette Fusion razor as a sample in the mail and gave it to him about a year ago for when he was ready but he's never opened it.