Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Polar Bear Plunge

Well he's doing it, he's got the minimum amount of pledge money he needs to participate, plus a little more even, and there should still me some more donations coming in. So he's committed to doing this on Saturday! Brrrrrr!!!!


joanne said...

The temp on Saturday is going to be around 38/39 and the current water temperature in the Chesapeake Bay is 36. Perfect for a winter swim lol.

Vicki said...

OMG he is NUTS for doing it. but i guess if it makes ya happy LOL

joanne said...

We'll see if he'll ever do it again after this weekend! LOL I'll be cold enough standing on the beach just watching, never mind stripping down to my bathing suit in 30 degree weather and then getting in the water! I remember one year it was so cold there were chunks of ice floating in the water!

Anonymous said...

I think when I used to hear about it I just thought it was a bunch of crazy people jumping in ice cold water!! That's good it is for charity and he's doing it.

joanne said...

He did it!! The water temp was 36 degrees and he and 10,000+ other plungers did their thing. It was quite a sight to see, lots of people dressed in costumes, Batman & Robin were my favorite. The 300 lb. woman in the bikini was my least favorite lol. Oh and I liked all the elvis' too hehehe.