Saturday, May 3, 2008

"Would You Eat This?"

Okay I would maybe eat the sweet potatoes. But this meat looks NASTY!! I so an not eat meat with blood in it.



Unknown said...

I don't mind the pink, but I am not always too sure about having spinach, cheese, etc woven into my meat.

I have found a dynamite 'coffee and brown sugar' rub for steak that makes it extra awesome. But, no, spinach goes on the salad plate, not inside the filet.

Vicki said...

Ok Tommy how did you even know there was cheese in this dish?

Coffee and brown sugar? Are you serious or kidding? and if you are serious let me know what to do. Sounds very very interesting

Unknown said...

I didn't know there was cheese, I've just seen it at the supermarket as such - flank steak stuffed with spinach and blue cheese, so I assumed...

The brown sugar/coffee thing is no joke. I got the recipe from a resort in Laguna Beach that serves it. They gave me a bag of the coffee rub - the recipe is a tad elaborate, but I'll see if I can get it to ya. Don't have the where-with-all to do it at 8am on Sunday after going to bed at 2:30, though...more soon. ;-)

Vicki said...

Tommy have you and Wendy tried the new flat iron steaks? they are AWESOME!!! I bet that rub would really be good on those

joanne said...

Love those flat irons! Wish my store would have them more often. This looks nasty, I won't say what it reminds me of. I don't like spinach, not in anything or on the side. I wish I did, I want to like it, just can't.

I heard about that coffee and brown sugar rub a long time ago, my sister has used it, they love it.

stacey said...

i think this might just be a case of bad lighting. or maybe a case of "i'm REAL dang hungry right now".