Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Melrose Place Is Back!!

Ever since they brought back 90210 I've been hoping that Melrose Place might make a comeback too and it is!! No info on when but they are looking for someone to write it right now. I hope it's not another year before it happens, but this made my day (I know I have a sad little life don't I lol).


Unknown said...

Someone actually wrote "Melrose Place"?

joanne said...

I guess so lol!

Vicki said...

LMAO you do have a sad life!!! I liked it the first couple of years but the last couple it got way to campy for me and I stopped watching it. So many of the "old" people are actually on other shows now I don't think it will be like 90210 where they bring some of them back

Vicki said...

Jo.. I just looked it up and 8 people out of that cast are already on TV series. They are the ones I really liked the best, so not sure I would even watch it. The girl who played Jo is the only one not working that I liked

joanne said...

And Jo was my least favorite lol

Vicki said...

I loved her voice. You know I love those raspy voices

Unknown said...

I liked her voice, there was something else about her I didn't like, don't remember what it was, she was just always blah to me.

joanne said...

Oops didn't realize I was signed in as Josh lol

Vicki said...

LOL I was wondering on that one. Jessica pills are being kept in stock over there huh?

joanne said...

I think I'm over dosing on them lately!