Tuesday, October 28, 2008


To which I have zero. As sad as that may sound it is very much the truth. My sisters zapped it all from my mom so that by the time she had me all talent was gone LOL. Anyway on the way from Wilmington we were listening to the radio and having fun. But I was thinking what would be the one talent you were not born with that you would like to have? For me that would have to be playing the drums. There is just something about them that makes you feel better. Maybe because I could pretend the drum part was someones head LOL and could take frustration out like that. Not sure but would love to be able to play them.


Anonymous said...

I would love to be able to sing well.
The other night I was singing something to Andrew, then I stopped to say I had a headache and he said, "See, what happens, stop singing!"


Vicki said...

Ok Deb that has me laughing so hard. Way tooooooooo funny!! But something my kids would say to me as well. Maybe that's why it is so funny. I would love to be able to sing as well.

joanne said...

When Josh was little he used to put his hands over his ears when I sang in the car lol. I don't have any talents either, but that's ok I don't really care lol.

Unknown said...

Singing. No question about it. I would give anything to be able to sing.

Vicki said...

The question goober was what talent would you want?

joanne said...

I assume the goober comment was for me lol? I don't desire to be able to sing or play an instrument or anything else.

Anonymous said...

Can you imagine if we all went on a car trip together if none of us can sing? Of course--we'd have to take one little smarty kid along just to torture them.


Unknown said...

I say we get that former friend of y'all's - the one who leans too far to the left (and I agree there is such a thing, fo' shizzle). Tie her up, throw her in the front seat, and we all start singing "Sweet Home Alabama" as loud as we can for the duration of the drive from here to Alabama. When we hit the state line, toss her out.

God, did I just say that? I gotta go listen to some NPR and get this Bill O'Reilly vibe out of my system!

Vicki said...

Ok i am laughing so hard over here. Tommy and Deb that was great. But what a DAMN good idea!! And we can add her ugly husband to that mix.

But the really weird thing is even though I can not sing I can hear it. Meaning, in the day when Lop did a lot of theater (thank GOD those days are over. Not that I don't like theater the pay just sucks so bad) and had a music audition I could always tell him if he was hitting a not to high or not. He tells me I am strange but I would be right

joanne said...

On our road to 'Bama' we can make the ugly hubby eat foods that have been touching each other and large amounts of pickles lol

Anonymous said...

And don't forget the gluten bread. OK that was just plain mean, I know it!

I can too, Vicki, here the correct notes--now if only I could sing them.......


Anonymous said...

Ok-I'm thinking I have his allergen, sensitivity wrong, but you get the gist..

joanne said...

Right feed him large amounts of gluten filled foods lol. Though is we're stuck in a car with him we might wanna rethink that one!

I can hear when someone is singing off key too, and usually it's me!

Vicki said...

LOL and make everything touch everything else. another thing i will never get from people. I mean do they not think when it goes inside there bodies that it separates or something?? And we need to make sure we have McCain Palin stickers ALL over the car LOL

Anonymous said...

and Rush on the radio.........

Unknown said...

Now you've gone too far. Unless you're planning to abduct me as well, I don't think I can make the ride with Rush and Sarah willingly.

joanne said...

Come on Tommy it's for a good cause!!

And every stop we make we'll make UH (Ugly Hubby) fill out forms giving out his address and phone number to everyone that walks by so the government conspiracy he believes in can find him easily.

Anonymous said...

Our singing would probably drown out Rush anyway....

Vicki said...

OMG Jo I forgot all about him thinking everyone is out to get him. And how when he fills out a form he is convinced of it. What a pair those two make LMAO!!!

And need to make him drink water with lemon in it

joanne said...

Lmao at the water with lemon in it! And don't forget his weird thing about animals, so we'd have make sure we have a few dogs and cats in the car with us! I'll make my potatoes too and force feed them to him, he'll go crazy because they have omg sour cream in them!

Unknown said...

I'm stayin' on y'all's good side. I'd hate to think what you'd have in store for me if you had me tied up in the back seat.

joanne said...

Tommy you'd love for us to tie you up in the back seat :p lol

Unknown said...

Where would you get a ridiculous idea like that?

So...um...what time do we leave?


joanne said...

We'll leave tonight, I'll bring the rope :p

Unknown said...

Better bring a lot. I'm like Houdini.

Vicki said...

For Tommy we also need to have Jodie Foster in the car just to tease the hell out of him LOL

Anonymous said...

But it will really be DiaNe dressed up as Jodie........

joanne said...

Now that's just cruel. Poor Tommy, so close yet so far!

Unknown said...

That's sadistic.