Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Somebody help me, help me,

help me pleaaaase. OK I know a super bad Donny Osmond song, but it could be worse I could have sung ABC LOL.

Anyway I keep seeing these commercials for Verizon and in it they are saying something about sharing pic's, texting and flix's. Ok I obviously know what pic's and texting are but what in the hell are flix's? Never heard of them before other than as a movie and I can not see doing that on a cell phone. So help!!! Anyone have any ideas?


joanne said...

I think you're right flix are movies or videos. I wouldn't watch a movie on my phone, but that's just me.

Unknown said...

video files. yep.

Vicki said...

thanks Tommy. Just wasn't sure what the heck that was

joanne said...

That was an easier question than the FFL wasn't it Vic lmao? Speaking of you have that lovely FFL look going on today dahling :)