Wednesday, December 10, 2008

What is this???

Ok so I know what it is but let's see if you do. Jo.. I am sure you do know so be quiet LOL. Deb.. do it without looking first.

Easter Marshmallows


joanne said...

I know I know lol!! What is her fascination with that stuff?

Anonymous said...

Homemade marshmallows with sugar crystals-that's what it looks like to me--without looking it up, Vicki!
My adventure with making homemade marshmallows last December was the worst day of my life! (Ok an exaggeration.......but not by much!)


Anonymous said...

OK--I went and looked. I see she has some just for you, Vicki--pumpkin ones!!!!!!!
Hmmmm--what to send you, pumpkin marsh. or Christmas peeps hmmmm decisions, decisions.......

Vicki said...

I swear it looks like unbaked bread to me. do I even want to know what goes into a marshmallow

joanne said...

Send her pumpking Christmas peeps Deb lol!!