Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Absent Minded Professor/ Son Of Flubber/ Righteous Kill

Lets start with The Absent Minded Professor: The remake of this was Flubber. I really like Robin Williams (I know he really grates a lot of peoples nerves because he is so multiple it is crazy. But he makes me laugh so hard and he has done some good work) with that said there is still NO contest between him and Fred MacMurray. Fred played this role so well and made this movie so much fun. One thing about the older versions is back then they did not have to take everything over the top. They left a movie simple and clean. My kids liked this one also. Son Of Flubber was also fun. we did laugh a lot in this one also. Not as good as the first, when are sequels as good, but we did have fun with them both.
Righteous Kill: My friend Tommy got me excited about this one because I LOVE De Niro and Pacino. But it did not impress me much. It wasn't awful, don't get me wrong, just wish they would have paired them in something much more "mafia" LOL or something. Glad I rented it and didn't pay to see it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ya know, I never even saw "Righteous Kill". I'm sure I would've if I were single and childless - my schedule was so much more flexible then. But, from what i heard, it was sorta lame, and the two waited too long to pair up - too long in the tooth now. "Heat" barely counts since they only shared two scenes together in the entire 3 hour movie. These guys could've paired up in the 80's and it would've been a real happening. I may add it to my Netflix list, but it's not eating at me to see it.

Yes, Robin Williams is talented. Yes, he needs us to remind him of that constantly - but I know he's a very capable actor. I just get tired of his recycled antics. I'm sure my kids would love Flubber, though, so I might check it out.