Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving! What is everyone doing for the holiday? I'm going all the way 6 houses down the street to my parents. I better leave extra early in case I get stuck in traffic. My sister and I are cooking and of course I waited till the last minute and will be at the grocery store tomorrow with all the other procrastinators.

So what is your favorite Thanksgiving dish? Mine is my mom's stuffing. And does anyone know what the difference between stuffing and dressing is?

I hope all of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and spend it with people that are near and dear to you...


Anonymous said...

Well--you hardly have time to sing "Over the river and through-oh, we're here!"

Hope you guys have a great Thanksgiving--not sure what my fav. dish is--probably the turkey, mashed potaoes and stuffing combo :) with gravy of course!
Stuffing vs. dressing not sure there is a concrete answer on that--just don't drop the g when you say stuffing--my pet peeve!

Now for my question--heart? gizzard?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Oh, yes--we spend it at my mother's. The same house we lived in since I was in fourth grade.
My sister and I also do the cooking. (My mom is 85!)
It will just be my family, my one sister, her husband and her youngest son who will be home from college--and Mom.


joanne said...

I would never ever say stuffin'!!! Or taters lol. Speaking of the combo, my son loves the day after sandwich, turkey, stuffinG and cranberry sauce on a big roll.

Heart or gizzard? Ummm is neither is option?

Deb my parents live in the same house I grew up in too since 5th grade. Mom isn't feeling good this year, she's having problems with arthritis in her back (she's 68) and my dad just had shoulder surgery a week ago so my youngest sister and I a taking over lol. It sounds like you'll have a nice group for dinner. We're having 15 or 16 depending on if my uncle brings his girlfriend.

Vicki said...

OMG I actually know the answer to the stuffing and dressing. Dressing is when you put it in the turkey. Stuffing is when you make it separate. Can you even believe I knew something like that LOL.

It is just Lop,me the kids, my best friend, and I think his daughter and her son. We are anti social during times like this. Just like to stay in jammies all day and not go anywhere. Might have some friends come for desert but not sure on that.

I love everything about Thanksgiving. Especially the smells of it all. So to pick just one thing would be impossible. I do ALL the cooking. Funny but do not mind cooking at all.

Oh and LOL Happy Thanksgiving Ya'll

joanne said...

I'm impressed Vic!! I would have thought it was the opposite though, stuffing went into the bird and dressing was out. Who knew, I've been enlightened!

Vicki said...

I know you had to be impressed that I actually knew something LOL. Funny cause my sister and I were doing the dinner and supper thing. Supper is actually lunch, they used to call it supper a long time ago. And dinner is just dinner

joanne said...

Never knew there was a difference between dinner and supper I always thought it was a regional thing. You're full of info Vic!