Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Make Your Own Damn Dinner

This is a blog written by a woman who made two separate meals every night, one for herself and her hubby, and another meal for her kids who were picky eaters. They became finicky eaters by her own admission and she's trying to correct that, so as a summer experiment she had the kids plan their own dinner menus which had to be approved by her and have to include a protein and veggie and/or fruit. She is a riot, her sense of humor is just my style, sarcastic! Read her profile, she's hysterically funny! Plus she has some really yummy sounding recipes and dinner ideas on her blog. I know Vic and I both go through "ruts" and feel like we're cooking the same things over and over and look for different recipes to add to our culinary experiences. Check it out!


Vicki said...

she is hilarious. i will add her top my blog list

joanne said...

She is so funny, I love her!